Refugee/IDP Conditions for Women & Girls

Refugee/IDP Conditions for Women & Girls
In situations of displacement, women and girls have unique protection needs and capacities to address those needs. The number and conditions of women IDPs and refugees has been exacerbated by the ongoing threat from violent extremists and deliberate targeting of women by armed groups in conflict-affected areas. This exponentially increases women and girls’ protection risks in already volatile situations, and any efforts to respond should ensure women’s full and meaningful participation, as well as account for the need to better address the impact of conflict and violent extremism on women and girls.
The NGOWG WPS calls upon the Security Council to ensure women fully participate and are consulted systematically as leaders in decision-making, across all displacement settings, in humanitarian programming, and in the broader political, security, and peace processes. The NGOWPS also advocates for protection efforts, including law enforcement’s capacity to respond to sexual and gender-based violence, and humanitarian assistance that are gender-sensitive and multi-sectoral, including long term planning and livelihood opportunities. The NGOWG WPS works to ensure the women, peace and security agenda is implemented consistently in all displacement settings and is financed with dedicated resources. All solutions must address the root causes of conflict and displacement.
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