MAPJune 29, 2017Monthly Action Points (MAP) for the Security Council: July 2017Source: NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security
Member ResourceJune 17, 2017“Women nowadays do anything.” Women’s role in conflict, peace and security in YemenSource:
ReportJune 13, 2017Mapping Women, Peace and Security in the UN Security Council: 2016Source: NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security
Member ResourceJune 5, 2017Now is the Time: Research on Gender Justice, Conflict and Fragility in the Middle East and North AfricaSource: International Alert, Oxfam
Member ResourceMay 31, 2017“Hell on Earth”: Abuses Against Refugees and Migrants Trying to Reach Europe From LibyaSource: Refugees International
MAPMay 30, 2017Monthly Action Points (MAP) for the Security Council: June 2017Source: NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security
Member ResourceMay 30, 2017Gender and Conflict Analysis in ISIS Affected Communities of IraqSource: Oxfam
Member ResourceMay 15, 2017Central African Republic: Ugandan Troops Harm Women, GirlsSource: Human Rights Watch
StatementMay 15, 2017Statement by Ms. Mina Jaf at UN Security Council Open Debate on Sexual Violence in ConflictSource: NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security