Elham Saudi
Ms. Elham Saudi is Co-Founder and Director of Lawyers for Justice in Libya (LFJL), a leading organization working towards a Libya that embodies the values and principles of human rights and the rule of law, and is a society committed to justice. It does so through advocacy and outreach, research and capacity building and is committed to pursuing accountability. Earlier this year, LFJL published the first comprehensive report on online violence against women in Libya. Ms. Saudi is also a member of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum, the UN-facilitated political process. More recently, she was a member of the panel presiding over the Aban Tribunal, a peoples’ tribunal considering the atrocities committed in Iran in the context of protests across Iran in November 2019. In October 2021, Ms. Saudi was a panelist at the Multi-stakeholder Forum event “Nothing About Us Without Us”: The Role of Women Peacebuilders and Human Rights Defenders in Peace and Security, where she briefed Security Council members and UN leadership on the situation of women human rights defenders in Libya.