Kholood Khair
Kholood Khair is the founder and director of Confluence Advisory, a 'think and do tank' formerly based in Khartoum that works on three priority policy areas: peace and security, economy, and governance. Kholood also hosted and co-produced Spotlight 249, Sudan's first English language political discussion and debate show aimed at young Sudanese. Kholood has a career spanning the fields of research, aid programming and policy in Sudan and across the Horn of Africa. She has written research and analysis pieces for several international publications and has provided analyses for research and policy institutions worldwide. Kholood has and MSC in Violence, Conflict and Development from SOAS, University of London and an MSC in African Studies form the University of Oxford.
There is currently no body in-country to adequately monitor human rights, no body to effectively protect civilians, and no body to sufficiently support women, who have so far been almost entirely excluded from participating in any aspect of resolving the current crisis, despite being on the frontlines of the response.

At the Security Council
Kholood Khair, Founder and Director of Confluence Advisory, was invited to provide a civil society perspective and recommendations at the Security Council briefing on “Sustaining WPS Commitments in the context of
accelerated drawdown of peace operations” in August 2024.