Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
In regards to the report and update on the UN Verification Mission in Colombia, the Council should examine progress on the implementation of the Ethnic Chapter of the Final Agreement and all gender-based human rights protections within the Accord. Specifically, the Council should encourage the parties to ensure gender and ethno-racial perspectives are taken into account in implementation, and that there is representation of Afro-Colombian and Indigenous organizations in all peace implementation and transitional justice entities, including representation of Afro-Colombian women’s organizations in the High Level Body on Gender. The Council should encourage consultations with Afro-descendant and Indigenous authorities and organizations in the design and implementation of collective security, prevention, and protection measures, with an emphasis on enhancing their degree and scope (Final Agreement; S/RES/2242 (2015)). Additionally, the Council should call on the mission and the Government to support and assist Afro-descendant and Indigenous organizations and their respective authorities in establishing and maintaining community-based, gender-responsive self-protection and early warning response systems to address violence from armed actors in areas formerly under FARC-EP control. The Council should encourage the Commission for Monitoring, Advance, and Verification of the Final Accord (CSIVI) to continue meaningful consultation with the Special High Level Body for Ethnic Peoples, and ensure inclusion of the indicators that the Body developed in September in the final framework plan for peace implementation. Reporting and briefings should update on the mission’s efforts to address sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in transitional zones and ensure that all cases are adequately investigated, and that victims receive justice and reparations. In light of the increase in murders of human rights defenders and community leaders, including the recent assassination of Luz Jenny Montaño Arboleda in Tumaco, the Council should call on the Colombian government to conduct proper investigations without further delay, and to ensure the National Protection Unit (UPN) consults directly with affected communities, particularly Afro-Colombian and Indigenous authorities, to increase individual and collective protections for those under threat (Final Agreement; S/RES/2366 (2017)).