Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
The Security Council’s discussions on the situation in Yemen have historically failed to reflect important gender dimensions of the situation, despite multiple meetings of the Security Council IEG on WPS (S/2017/627, S/2017/1040, S/2019/253) and briefings by civil society in 2017, 2018 and 2019. The Security Council should add criteria that allow for the designation of groups or individuals that carry out violations of international law, including against women’s human rights and sexual and gender-based violence. Further, the panel of experts should be requested to mainstream gender analysis across their work, including in all reports, and add new gender expertise to enable it to comprehensively address the gendered impacts of all types of violations and not only SGBV. This gender expertise should be assigned to an existing member of the panel of experts who is not already responsible for humanitarian issues or be added as a new expert. Finally, the Sanctions Committee should be mandated to consult with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) on sexual violence in conflict. Given the inextricable link between the security situation, sanctions, and the peace process, Council members should emphasize the importance of women’s meaningful participation in any discussion regarding the current peace process, and ensure the 30% quota for women’s participation as a matter of urgency. Women’s human rights and peacebuilding groups are critical to developing strategic understanding and action on complex issues that move beyond the usual humanitarian efforts. It is critical that women’s CSOs, including grassroots organizations, be part of all Track 1, 1.5 and 2 and that Yemeni women’s inclusion in the peace process not be confined to the Technical Advisory Group. Council members should request updates on the OSE’s engagement with these groups and further hear from women civil society leaders at future country-specific briefings.
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